Monday, October 26, 2009


My thesis is:

Even though Nasa isnt as popular now as they were during the luner landing, they play an important roll in space exploration and with less than 1% of the governments budget. i believe they should continue to fund them.

1 comment:

  1. I think your thesis statement is fine however the format she requested needs some work, here is how she wants it and this is the example the book gives:

    Sample research question: Should a law be passed to make english the official language of the United States

    Precise claim: congress should pass a law making english the official language of the united states.

    - a common language would encourage unity among citizens
    - learning english is empowering to people because its status in global communication.

    Complete thesis statement: congres should pass a law making english the official language of the u.s. because it would encourage unity among citizens and empower people to participate in global communiation.

    something along this format with a Research question, Precise claim, Reasons/blueprint, and a complete thesis statement where you put what you have now.
