Monday, October 26, 2009


My argument is going to be.

-Nasa is one or the only United States group that is focused on space exploration.

-Private companies launch Satellites and occastionally people into space but they dont focus on possible colinization of other planets and other important space exploration related goals

-All the government funds Nasa is a little less than 1% of the governments budget. even if they halt nasa's funding, the money transfered to other programs might not even effect it in a way to make any sort of difference in todays society


My thesis is:

Even though Nasa isnt as popular now as they were during the luner landing, they play an important roll in space exploration and with less than 1% of the governments budget. i believe they should continue to fund them.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Online Assignment 2

My topic is going to be about if the government should or should not fund nasa for space exploration. The Constitution doesnt state if we should or shouldnt Fund Space exploration which can go either way.

My side is going to be that the government should fund exploration even though the contstution doesnt state that the government has the athority to do so.

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